The color of his skin, creamy, smooth and radiant. Innocent yet sensual, so carefree it seemed. My mind is getting overloaded with imagery, with pictures of him. I'd like a part of my mind to be filled with him. A special place that maybe one day I could reminisce.
A soothing sound from somewhere got me back from mind-wondering, it was his voice, calling my name, in a whisper-like manner, he beckons me to come near, hand extended, lips parted in a smile and eyes staring at me, or right through me?

I reached out my hand and touched his, he enclosed his slender fingers around my hand and pull me closer. He put it on his shoulders, guiding it down his slippery body, warm, soft and tender, and my knees began to shake. The bathroom is cold, summer is still a few months away, the air is foggy, as my hand glide down on his navel. I closed my eyes,
"My ear should catch your voice
My eye your eye,
My tongue should catch your tongue
Sweet melody,
My tongue your tongue
Were the world mine."
My pajama is getting wet on my feet. Splashes of water hit me, but I cared less. I am enamored by this god in front of me. He gave me the sponge without a word got what it meant and I pour the creamy liquid soap and lather him. He turned on his back and starting on his nape I lather his back, rhythmic, encircling, tender as I can be. I can't get enough of the feeling and the smell of vanilla and honey is getting me high. Overwhelmingly, bitter-sweet, I know I have you, but I cannot keep you. This moment however, is mine, forever mine.
I had to stop my head is telling me, but my heart is not listening.
He pulled me up and again, his smile warm as the morning sun, melt me deep inside. I pulled away, rests my head onto the door, head reeling, heart pounding and knees weak.
"Mine ear is much enamored of thy note.
So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape.
I'll follow thee,
I'll follow thee,
And make a heaven of hell."
(From A Midsummer Nights Dream, W. Shakespeare)
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