I love cooking. One of the best things I can do.
I learned how to cook as young as 7 years old, I started with simple egg-frying to rice cooking. I love observing my mother in the kitchen. I watched her cut, fry, blanch, boil, stir, mix, and what have you. Whenever I can, I try to imitate how she did a recipe. She is a great cook and my clan always look forward to her menus during family reunions. They particularly love her Chinese Soup made of pork knuckles with Chinese herbs and spices. Her rice noodles, stuffed milk fish (relleno), beef stew, pine-apple chicken and menudo.
Not to mention, wantons, beef steak, adobo and the list are endless. It is always treat whenever she serves us lunch and dinner during weekends.
Another thing, whenever I get to eat out and find a certain dish tasteful and get to like it, I try to savor the flavor and look at the ingredients and try to imitate it down to the flavor. I may not exactly get the taste, but at least it’s close enough to be edible.
So far no casualties to date, God forbid! Ha! Ha!
(A friend getting ready!)
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