I am learning that time is timeless, it cannot be measured nor counted in minutes, hours, days, months and years, it is felt deep within us and made us act on a certain impulse as urged by these inner feelings. I am learning too, that love is beyond measure of standards and boundaries nor follow certain norms, love is simply love, and if this love transcends all and everything then one had reached the point where he is at one with the universe and all creations. I am learning that peace should start with oneself before one shares peace with another, in order to reach out and touch another's life, one must get in touch with himself first, that in order to understand one has to understood oneself.
In order to fully grasp the deeper meaning of all this I am searching for the answers not far, not in books (but they are guides somehow) and not anywhere but in me. I am liberating myself from who I am that is bound by measured time and to set my Being free.
I know I am meant for something, something bigger than I can comprehend, but nevertheless meant to be mine, I know I am not for myself alone but for the whole universe at their expense, I am a humble creation of power and spirit capable of inspiring movement and creativity as I project a sense of whole Being and kindness to everyone and everything around me.
That I am NOW on a journey that will take me each day to another level of knowing and understanding that my full potential is yet to arise and only me and me alone can tell when will be that time, when my whole Self shall rule over me and manifest my true gifts and talents that lie dormant within me. I am child hungry for new learning and experience, I am a vessel to be filled up and used to that specific purpose I am meant to be.
Soon I'll be born anew, and will experience the world with a new sense of purpose and view the world with a heightened sensory perceptions that will make everything crystal clear.
This will not be easy for I am of this earth but I am happy and excited at the same time for I am given the opportunity to experience to bask in the light of the universe where it all began.
(To My Red Spectral Skywalker)
You will be a part of this, I know that you are meant to be a part of my being reborn, we are meant to be together and I feel like we are connected beyond understanding. You are my antinode, my other half, my spiritual teacher and guide, my mentor and my source of love and dreams.
We will share many learnings and compliment each other in many ways. I also believe, together we can dream and create something significant that will touch people's lives and benefit the world.(Your Blue Solar Night)
right on!