I don't know why I haven't wrote something about this golden-colored, sweet tasting, healthy and magnificent fruit, so here goes.
When it comes to eating, I am semi-adventurous, not that I am too picky, but you know, what you did not grown up to eat, you won't eat?
Then I have this thing on eating Tinolang Manok, they say it's best when the chicken used was fresh, and I mean fresh from slicing or wringing its neck and letting the poor chicken die just like that, or putting the poor thing in boiling water still while wriggling to loosen the feathers and all. I love Tinola, but I won't eat it when it's a fresh kill!
Anyway, I had my first taste of this fruit called Date in the office the first week I started, two years ago, and since then, whenever someone offered I take and eat it.
It was heavenly, for me, it tastes like our Kamote-cue! My friends say it's a weird description of the taste for it is far from Kamote, but that's what it tastes like to me and I love Kamote-que!
Not knowing though that this Middle Eatern fruit which they love to eat since the Millenia were packed with Vitamins and Minerals including some Antioxidants. Add to it Calcium, Low Cholesterol, healthy sugar (yes, harmless to diabetics) and fat free!

The mighty small fruit also boost testosterone levels, no wonder one Arab guy I met told me that it enhances sexual performance then winked at me! Hah! - (and did he perform well? That's another story! Ha! Ha!)
My Saudi Department Manager has a farm of Date Trees, brought in the office their produce, vacuum-packed and when we opened and taste it, I got the best tasting Date ever! He said it was all natural and no preservatives. I think I had 10 in one sitting!
So, for those who haven't got into liking this fruit, well, you are missing one of natures' best creation. To those who enjoyed eating them, keep eating and I am with you.
Here's to a Date!
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