Friday, August 5, 2011

To Charlie, At 13

Dear Charlemagne,

Hi, I am yourself, 25 years later, and I am writing to you tell you what's came to pass and what may happen still in your future.

You are now at the start of something wonderful and exciting, you're in between that phase that you are no longer a baby, yet, to your parents still naive to most things outside their care and protection. But they cannot stop you from taking that step towards a world of self discovery and learning and I tell you, there will be a lot of that ahead of you.

One thing though, you are a fragile little boy who will try to overcome all the adversities life will throw at you, but you'll survive, you are a survivor, I am where I am right now because of you, because of what you have gone through.

There will be lots of confusion and failures, heartaches and disappointments, yes, that I promise you also, you will cry, you will lose heart, there will come a time also that you will wish to give up, but there is something inside your heart that will always tell you that you must go on and take all these in a stride, you just have to laugh it off and move on.

You will be tough in the end, yet, when you are alone, you will internalize all that is happening around you and then take it all in, it may affect you for a while but soon you'll bounce back again.

At my age, you are at the prime your life, you have cultivated a handful of friends who'll stand by you, you're family will be closer than ever and you live your life right now on your own terms. Life will be good for you, there are set backs still, and it does not bother you or rather me much anymore 'cause we have your standards and beliefs that we go by, wisdom acquired and learned through the years which we use and practice daily.

Though are some things I cannot learn still to let go, there were some lessons I never learn, we never learned, 'til now, maybe soon, I don't know still how also, maybe in time.

Right now our future still is not clear, but who cares? I still dream like you, we are dreamers, we live in our dreams at times, I take each day as it comes, having faith that where ever and what ever we end up with, important thing is we will be alright.

We are loved, do not forget that and you are not alone even at times you may feel so.
So be brave and never regret, you will go through so much, but like what I told you, I am where I am right now because of you and I am fine.

Pray always and I love you.


Charlie, At 38

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