It is in my heritage to take note of yearly predictions pertaining to one's Chinese Astrology sign, and being an Ox, I read that 2010 will be a good year for me.
Compared to last year, though, I believe that there are events in our lives that we had to go through or experience in order to awaken a part of us, be it a slumbering energy, a trait, a lesson, or what have you. All the things that happened are all meant to be. I have a lot of not so good experiences but I survived and have not gave up.
This year I am looking forward to a favorable year, both in career and love, I am hoping to the best and nothing will be better than a lovelife.
It's been so long.
In any which way, a good career isn't bad either. Only time will tell. I would be more aware of my actions towards others. I guess that would help.
Though there are minor setbacks like I should watch what I eat and get flu shots for I might be susceptible to sickness. I believe I am healthy enough, nevertheless being conscious ain't bad too.
All in all, this will be a good year. Not great, but good. God bless me.
Everything happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteI wish you well in 2010.
I encourage you to interact with your fellow bloggers. I believe you have things to say, and I admire the way you write your thoughts.
Happy new year and happy three kings!