Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Too Bad

2 AM my mobile phone keeps on ringing, half-awake and half-asleep I reached to my bedside table to check who's the son-of-a-gun that bother others who would like to have a peaceful sleep.

It was someone I know of course, they usually call at this time and even later. Fuckin' horny rabbits! They don't really choose the time of the day (or night) when they are in heat! Oh well, and since my sleep were already broken, I slide the talk button and said hello,

"Ja habibi, qi fak?" said a voice.
"Esh mushkala? Mafi malum hadi belel?" I said, a little irritated.
"He, he! Habibi, maalesh, enta nom?"
"Aiwa, esh hada, ana nom, esh ebka?"
"Ebka enta, habibi?" he said sweetly.
"Alhein? La, ana taban, fi shukol baden sabr!"
"Leh? Min fadlak, habibi, enta miya-miya." he said excitedly.
"La, maalesh, ana taban akid. Baden, enta tisal mumken enta ebka dug-dug!"
"Ha, ha! La, habibi, enta ana habibi!"
"Akid? Enta mafi kwayes!"
"Habibi! Habibi!" said the voice desperately.
"La, mafi jadid, mumken bokra, baden baad bokra! Sa? firmly, I said.
"La, la, la, alhin habibi, kamsa daqiqa bas!" as he pleaded.
"La, maasalam!"
"Lahda, wahida! Min fadlak!"

Then I hung up. I turned on the silent mode and true enough he kept calling and calling as I tried to get back to sleep.
I woke up 6 hours later and my mobile battery is flashing low power and I have more than 70 missed calls from him.
Too bad. (Sigh)

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